Micah began "eating" solids recently (recall the special news bulletin). He eats a mixture of breast milk and flaky rice cereal. It's essentially tasteless (yes, I've tried it; it's a little sweet, but I think that's mostly the breastmilk), but also essentially safe where allergic reactions are concerned. I don't think we're supposed to try him with anything else until he's six months old.

Micah has yet to conquer his tongue-thrust reflex, which makes eating messy. I'm convinced that more ends up on his face and bib than in his stomach. It doesn't help that he often enjoys "blowing bubbles" in his spoon. Hilarious, but even messier than normal, as little bits of rice cereal fly all over the place.

However, Micah understands the mechanics, and is eager to "help." So eager, that you have to fend off his hands with your free hand as you try to feed him. If he is too frequently thwarted with one hand, he's learned that he can try to "help" with the other, and give it a go from another angle.

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