Click the pictures to see a larger version. Especially, click the panoramas!
We started out at 12:30 pm, after I went to a morning session at the conference. Micah was ready, though perhaps a little uncertain about lay ahead.

We were going to walk to the fortress, pictured below (on top of the hill in the background). It's probably only a 30 minute walk to get up to the fortress. Our round trip took seven and a half hours. Have I mentioned that everything is more complicated with a 2-month old?

Micah ate just before we left, but Sarina and I hadn't had lunch yet. Our first stop was lunch. Just FYI, Austrians (perhaps Europeans) do not rush a meal at a restaurant. I don't think we left the little cafe until nearly 2 pm. Micah fell asleep while we were there.

We left the cafe, and in the process of walking Micah woke up, meaning we had to find a place for him to eat. We stopped just outside the Cathedral in Salzburg. The square we were in is featured at the end of the Sound of Music, the part of the movie where you first see the Swastikas up on buildings.

The Cathedral was gorgeous, every inch of it art for the glory of God.

Inside, every surface was covered with sculpture or paintings.

We looked around a bit with Micah too, after he ate.

We left the Cathedral, and nearby got another view of our ultimate destination. The walk up looks more and more intimidating the closer you get. Before starting the climb, we changed Micah's diaper and grabbed some water.

So we started our trek. Alex came with us, thankfully, and offered to help haul Micah's things.

I had the greatest honor: bearing the boy.

Since he was asleep, we put him in the stroller, and I continued to have the honor of bearing him up.

And up.

And up.

And up.

And finally we arrived at the top! Micah ate again in the fortress, and then it was time for some pictures. Thanks to Alex again for the wonderful pictures.

The view from the this spot was spectacular; you could see basically the whole city. Click to see a bigger version of the panorama.

Walking around to the other side of the fortress, you could see the Bavarian Alps.

The sun started setting as we looked out from the other side of the fortress (we set out at 12:30 pm, remember).

As someone from Microsoft said to Alex and I a couple nights earlier, every where you looked could have been a postcard. Click to see a bigger version of the panorama.

We left the fortress, and bought some art on our way back, near the Cathedral square. Micah needed to be changed again (and then he made a mess while being changed ... I don't miss changing Micah on random European bathroom floors). We stopped for dinner on the walk back, and rolled into the Hotel, absolutely exhausted, at 8 pm.
We took it easy the next day, our last day in Salzburg. After the morning session, we had lunch at a nice little Bistro.

We enjoyed our food. Micah enjoyed looking at his hand.

International travel is hard enough for one, and with an infant very challenging. Sarina says that she's glad that she went, but that she wouldn't recommend it to any new parent. I think we were crazy to do it. Paradoxically, I think we would also have been crazy not to.
In general fortresses are generally not "easy" to get to since they are trying to keep intruders out! It looked like your hike was mostly paved and not cobblestone, so that's a plus!! :)
haha! Actually, as Brett was pushing and pulling the stroller up I was thinking about the guys who have to bring cannons up to besiege the fortress...glad I'm not them. ;-)
by the way... i LOVE the onesie! oh and the baby is cute too. ;o)
Wonderful pictures! Props to the photographer!
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