We couldn't get into our room right away, and so instead we wandered in Mirabellgarten for a while before going to lunch. Mirabellgarten appears in the Sound of Music; part of the "Do Re Mi" song is sung there, particularly around the pictured in the foreground fountain below. You can also see Festung Hohensalzburg (Fortress "a bit above Salzburg") in the picture below ... much more about Hohensalzburg to come in Part 3.

Here's another picture of Mirabellgarten with the fortress in the background.

We went to lunch with my old officemate and fellow CMU graduate student Alex Bobrek. He was also in Salzburg to present in the conference. Thanks to Alex for all the pretty pictures he took with his nice camera (and then shared with us).

After dinner, we set Micah up for some tummy time. I got a sequence of pictures, that, when strung together, make it look like he's doing push ups (click the image to see this). Our baby is so buff!

The next day, I gave my presentation on my research in one of the early morning sessions. The presentation went very well and was well attended (but you don't care about that--you just want to see more pictures).
Later on that day we set off to explore "old town" in Salzburg, across the river from the conference center.

"Old" Salzburg is section of town with narrow streets (that cars aren't allowed on) and a multitude of shops and restaurants. Because of the weakness of the dollar as compared to the euro, we didn't do much shopping.

Walking in this part of town, we noticed something we're unaccustomed to in the US-- monks walking the streets. We soon realized that we were actually in the area of an operating Franciscan monastery. The picture below features a plaque reading "Franziskaner Kloster 1583," or a cloister for Franciscan monks started over 400 years ago.

On our walk back, Micah noticed, perhaps for the first time, the leaves on above him. He was quite impressed.

And here's another gratuitous-cute-baby-moment.

Stay tuned for part 3, our trek up to the fortress!

wow! Great pictures. And you push up sequence is very creative!
"The presentation went very well and was well attended (but you don't care about that ... )."
Brett, Brett, Brett. You know I read this blog. Why do I get the impression you included this solely to spite me?
To spite you? Never! But are you suggesting that you do care about how my presentation went? I'm touched!
It was my first 25-minute presentation, and perhaps the most complex material I've ever presented, but I think it came off quite well. I wasn't nearly as nervous as I expected to be, and I didn't miss any points that I wanted to mention. All the practicing I did really helped on that count. I can't tell you how many times I talked through different parts of that presentation.
The questions at the end suggested everyone understood what I was talking about, and no one offered any serious challenges to the work.
Perhaps the coolest part was hearing afterward that a number of important people in my field were in attendance. I'm glad I didn't know about that beforehand.
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