He finally went into the sling without fussing for the first time. He fell asleep shortly after this picture was taken. I tried him in it later the same day and he got mad, but I still consider it a successful day with the sling. :-)

Next, Micah ate from a bottle for the first time. This is great because I am going to audit a class soon (African Christianity) and Micah will have to eat pumped milk with Daddy. He still won't take the bottle at the beginning of a feed, only after eating from the breast a little first, but I still consider this success with the bottle! At least he ate some from it and we'll work on taking it for an entire feed soon.

Another first: Micah is now fitting into some 3-6 month onesies. Whoa. The onesie in the previous picture is a 3-6 month onesie. We went to the doctor today for a wellness visit. Micah will be 6 weeks tomorrow. He weighs 12 lbs 10 oz and is 24 in long. He's in the 90-95th percentile for both. What a growing boy!
Micah took his first plane trip over the weekend. Brett, Micah, and I went to Wisconsin for Brett's brother's wedding. Here is Micah in the Detroit airport:

He did really well on the planes:

While on this trip, Micah met his aunts and uncles for the first time!
Here is Micah with Uncle Rob, my brother.

Here is Micah with Aunt Lauren, Brett's sister, and her boyfriend Jake.

Here is Micah with Uncle Cory, Brett's brother.

Here is Micah with his new Aunt Mai, Cory's wife!

Micah also met a Great Grandmother for the first time over the weekend. Here is Micah with Brett's maternal Grandmother.

Here is a four generation pic.

Yay for firsts!
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