This is the third time we tried Micah in the Baby Bjorn. The first two times he howled. This time he fussed a little bit but I bounced him and walked him around the apartment until he calmed down. Eventually, Brett and I were able to go on a walk with Micah in the Baby Bjorn! I was carrying him and I'm not sure why I decided to carry him instead of Brett. I already carried him on my front for nine months...and now he's about 10.5 pounds! It was a little hard on my lower back, but still really fun. And maybe he calmed down because he's used to walking with me since he did it upside-down for so long. ;-)
Micah also decided that he's OK with his swing, another baby contraption that he howled in the first two times we put him in it. Brett was brave, though, and tried him in it last night, but we forgot to get a picture.
He likes his car seat/carrier and his bouncy seat. Next we have to get him used to his Maya Wrap and he'll be happy in all of his baby contraptions!
Hurray for a walk together! Maya hated the Baby Bjorn, too.
If you need help getting the MayaWrap to work, give me a holler. I have one, and a few (or more...) of other types of slings, so I'd love to help. It took me a while to figure them out, but once I did, they were a lifesaver.
Micah is so darling!
Micah is so darling!
All of ours *hated* facing inward in the front pack. Once we rigged it so they could see the world around them, the front pack became their favorite vantage point.
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