I tell Micah that he makes messes because his name starts with "M." I might be onto something. Especially because he makes the most messes when he's with me, and my name (Mommy) also starts with "M." Here Micah is in the middle of trying to figure out how a bowl works.

He understands how a spoon works: you put it in your mouth. Sometimes it has food on it and sometimes it doesn't. He understands how a cup works: you put it in your mouth and tip it up and water comes out...don't forget to swallow! He understands that a bowl is like a cup in the sense that it's hollow and holds stuff, like water or food. So, he put the edge of the bowl in his mouth and tipped it up. I think he got some mangoes and pears in his mouth, but most went on his face. Apparently, this was really fun.
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