I took this picture today. The building pictured here is where my office is on the CMU campus. The taller building in the background is the Cathedral of Learning on the University of Pittsburgh campus.
The snow fall and the fact that we're pregnant got me thinking about what winter meant while I was growing up, and how winter might be different for someone growing up in Pittsburgh. When I was growing up, winter meant fun: there are a multitude of fun things that you could do in the winter and couldn't do any other time of the year. Of course, this is only true if 1) it's cold enough and 2) it actually snows. Winter without these necessary elements is just lame and annoying.
Will our children grow up thinking that winter is just lame and annoying? I hope not. I hope our children grow up with a sense of the beauty of winter, and an excitement about all the things there are to do when it gets cold out. Then, with any luck, when our children will be able to go to places like Pittsburgh they'll really confuse all the people they talk to this time of year, just like I do. Why? Because they'll actually look forward to snow and ice, and will be sad when they don't linger.
haha! I found your blog! (Ok Chris told me about it) But anywho... I'm excited to be able to keep up with you guys and the pregnancy (from less than 5 minutes away). Anywho, I hope you guys are doing fantastically and I will be praying for you both and the baby! :o)
That snow is gone already! Praise be to God for snow, but especially for warm snow-free winter days!
Yeah for CMU and Pitt and Oakland, home of my undergrad years!
Nice picture, congrats on the baby, he/she will change your life!
I'll keep you guys in prayer.
Hi!!! Yippy for your blog! I'll add your blog to my bookmark bar! Congratulations again Sarina and Brett (Hi Brett!!) It was great to chat the other day Sarina. The little seat is from a consignment store...$10. I'm sure there are similar things out there. It makes me feel much less anxious at bathtime.
Yeah. So the other day we were walking to the car. It was snowing and the wind was blowing in our faces. Brett says, "What's up with this snow stuff?" ... He complained about the snow. I almost died laughing. ;-D hehehehehe
Just for the record ... the snow was blowing sideways. In my face. I can like something without liking it under *all* circumstances, right? Sheesh!
but see, if you guys move west like i've been secretly (and not so secretly) plotting for years, your kids will think winter is awesome. :)
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