Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Play Date in C'ville

Micah had his first play date in C'ville yesterday morning. It was very fun and went really well. I talked to Micah about sharing with John in the few days leading up to the play date. We had a very funny conversation the night before John came over:

Sarina: John's coming over tomorrow.

Micah: No John!

Sarina: Well, John's coming and you need to be nice to him. You need to share your trains.

Micah: No! No share trains with John!

Sarina: OK, well, we don't have to talk about it.

Micah continues to play with his really long train. Then, I think he decided to practice sharing...

Micah: Here Mommy. Here's an engine for you.

He hands me an engine.

Sarina: Wow Micah! That is so nice of you!

Micah: Yeah, that's generous!

Literally, that's what he said! I laughed and told him that I was proud of him for using such a big word. Micah smiled proudly, then he got pensive and said...

Micah: I have really sharp teeth.

My ears perked up. I wanted to know where he was going with this train of thought (especially since I had just finished reading Dracula!), but Brett came home at that moment and interrupted the conversation. I told Brett about Micah using generous in a sentence and we both told him how proud we were of him. Then...

Micah: I have really sharp teeth.

Sarina gently takes Micah by the arms: Micah, you cannot bite John.

Micah says quietly, as if it is a big revelation and somewhat of a blow to his plans: Oh, not bite John.

Sarina: Teeth are for eating, not for biting.

Micah: Oh, teeth for eating.

Sarina: No biting.

Micah: No biting.

LOL! So apparently, Micah, in his two-year-old mind, decided that if John did anything Micah didn't like that he would just bite him! That is so hilarious! Who thinks of that?! Apparently 2-year-olds in their best, most rational logic think of that.

The next day, John and his Mom came over. We had a lovely time. Micah never even thought about biting John as far as I can tell. He did a great job sharing and was very kind. Brett had made two identical train tracks that overlapped so that each boy could have his own track. I was impressed with Micah because John chose some of Micah's favorite train cars and engines to play with, but Micah didn't say anything about it. He just made a smaller train than usual.

The minute John and his Mom left, Micah said, "It's time for play with John's trains!" And he ran back into the play room. LOL!