Monday, February 25, 2008

Sporadic Micah: Flashback, sitting on a dad

Another flashback: we took a picture of Micah on my shoulders back in early September, and another more recently.

He can see (and be seen) a bit better now.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sporadic Micah: Flashback, sitting in a chair

We took a picture of Micah a bit ago sitting in one of our living room chairs. We later remembered that we had taken a picture of him in the same chair when he wasn't yet two months old.

For your reference (and enjoyment!) here are two other pictures from the same days respectively.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sporadic Micah: Cool baby

Cool baby? Cool baby.

Rock 'n' roll.

Monday, February 18, 2008

We're not dead!

... just busy. I'm sorry about the lack of pictures! I imagine you're all simply starving to see a picture of Micah. Micah, of course, is not starving and is as chubby as ever.

Micah turned seven months old yesterday, and this picture is from the day before.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sporadic Micah: What's that?

So I've been a little remiss about daily posting. Sorry! I'll try to get back into a groove this week. Goodness knows there's picture and stuff to post. I haven't even gotten to our Christmas-in-Madison pictures yet! Yikes!

But before we get to that (probably tomorrow), a brief game of I-spy.

I spy (with my eye) something white!

Is it small?


Is it in Micah's mouth?

Right again!

Is it a tooth?!

It is! Be sure to click the picture to get a good view.