Saturday, September 1, 2007

Fun in the bouncy seat

When I think of great movies, I think of babies talking to sheep and then playfully swatting at them. Here is one such great movie.

Micah is talking a lot more now. He rarely talks when he is tired or upset. These times, he still grunts or cries. This means his cooing is always sweet, and usually accompanied by a grin. Who knew that babies actually said things like "goo?"

You can also tell from the video that he's beginning to get more control over his arms (and also that he is right-handed). He isn't to the point of grabbing things, but it's wonderful watching him learn how to make his body do what he wants it to. Even if it's just a matter of hitting a toy sheep.

1 comment:

beka said...

Clearly, Micah is desplaying early signs of superior ability! Woo hoo!!